Wednesday, November 19, 2008

mampus lo (tai)lor

hahahahha kan td gw buka oceanup, trs ada taylor swift "i was bullied" kalo ga salah....

Just like poor harassed Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift too, was the victim of 'mean girls' in school. Tay revealed to Women's Health:'Growing up on a Christmas tree farm was basically a shunning, and that's never a good thing, you know? A lot of girls thought I was weird. Actually, the word they liked to use was annoying. I'd sit at their lunch table and they'd move to a different one.'And she still isn't popular: 'It's funny, I thought my contact list in my phone would grow if I was in the music industry. But I had more people in my phone book when I was in high school!"
She added, 'While recently shopping at Victoria's Secret, I looked up and there are, like, fifteen people looking at me, with camera phone out, waiting to take a picture of which kind of underwear I'm going to buy. They were saying, 'Think she's a small or an extra small? I wanted to be like, 'Uh guys? I can hear you."On living in Nashville: 'Keith and Nicole live there. Tim and Faith live there. We can all go to the grocery store in our sweatpants because the paparazzi have no idea Nashville exists.' Taylor has also earned enough to buy herself a Lexus 430 SC convertible, which she still drives. I wonder if she drove Joe around in it?

AHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA mampus lo tay....(amit" jgn sampe gw kaya demi & taylor) tp gw seneng bgt.

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